Anja Hitzenberger
44 pages
14.5 x 22.5 cm (5.7 x 9 inches)
34 color images
Edition of 30
Special Edition includes a small print (13×18 cm / 5×7 inches), numbered/signed (1–30)
The book “Fleischerei” — German for ‘butcher shop’ — sends you on a walk through the rooms of a former butcher in Vienna’s Ottakring neighborhood (Ottakring was known as Vienna’s working-class district, but is now more a neighborhood of immigrants from around the world). The photos are a journey through the past of an old family business that was replaced by modern ways of shopping.
In “Fleischerei”, Anja concentrated on intimate visual details of the retail store, the “Wurschtzimmer” (the room where sausages were made), and the apartment of the owners.
Anja’s projects often focus on food, how people eat, and how people deal with food. Another of her interests is architectural and urban spaces, and in this series she combines both themes intoone project.
“Fleischerei” was created to accompany Anja’s exhibition “von Haus aus” at Galerie Reinthaler in Vienna in May 2017.